Best in Town

Trusted Auto Repair Shop in
St. Augustine, FL


Backed By Decades of Experience

Performance Upgrades & Customization


Top-Quality Auto Repair

We Repair All Makes & Models, Including Europeans!

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Serving St. Augustine, Since 2021

Reliable Car Mechanics in St. Augustine, FL

Welcome to Beleesi’s Garage, a proudly Hispanic-owned, full-service St. Augustine auto repair shop catering to all vehicle makes and models, including European cars. Beleesi’s Garage is much more than an auto repair shop. Our specialization in performance upgrades and customized auto services sets us apart. From lift kits to lowering kits, we’re dedicated to enhancing your vehicle’s capabilities and personalizing it to your preferences.

At Beleesi’s Garage, we take pride in our expert team of certified ASE car mechanics who bring years of experience and a passion for auto repair excellence to every job. We offer a comprehensive range of auto services, including engine diagnostics, brake repairs, transmission services, and routine maintenance, ensuring your vehicle runs smoothly and efficiently. Whether you’re looking to boost your car’s performance or simply need regular upkeep, we have the skills and tools to meet all your auto repair needs.

Mike Josling CEO MJ’Z Garage
expert car mechanics auto shop in St. Augustine, FL
Why Choose Us

Trusted Auto Repair Service in St. Augustine, FL

Quality Auto Repairs

We focus to earn and maintain our customer's trust with top-quality repair services

Trained Car Mechanics

Beleesi Garage offers Trained ASE-certified car mechanics to deliver professional auto repair services 

No Hidden Cost

We offer honest and transparent repair quotes, no hidden cost and guarantee you the best prices

Repair and Maintenance

Certified Auto Repair Specialists in St. Augustine, FL

We are here to help you with your car’s maintenance and repair with our automotive repair service. Whether you need oil changes, brake repairs, engine diagnostics, or vehicle maintenance services in St. Augustine, Our ASE-certified Car mechanics can do it all. We offer honest advice, fair estimates, and quality warranties.

Specialising in European Auto Service & Performance Tuning St. Augustine, FL

At Beleesi’s Garage, our expert car mechanics provide specialized European vehicle service in St. Augustine. While we focus on brands like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Volkswagen, we’re dedicated to delivering top-notch quality auto repair service to all makes and models.

Coupon Offers

10% Off All Services
Limited time offer applicable on all repair services, for all makes and models. Please call for an appointment.
Free Vehicle Inspections

Free inspection for first-time customers, valid for all makes and models. Please call for an appointment.

2 coupon offers

10% Off All Services
Limited time offer applicable on all repair services, for all makes and models. Please call for an appointment.
Free Vehicle Inspections

Free inspection for first-time customers, valid for all makes and models. Please call for an appointment.

Coupon Offers

10% Off All Services
Limited time offer applicable on all repair services, for all makes and models. Please call for an appointment.
Free Vehicle Inspections

Free inspection for first-time customers, valid for all makes and models. Please call for an appointment.

What People Say

Our Testimonials


Beleesi’s Garage is a full-service repair shop that goes beyond standard offerings. They provide an extensive range of auto repair services, including performance upgrades, customization, and certified repairs for all makes and models.

Beleesi’s Garage is conveniently located at 5210 Crescent Technical Ct Suite #4, St. Augustine, FL 32086, offering easy accessibility for residents in the vibrant hub of St. Augustine, Florida.
Beleesi’s Garage is a Volkswagen and Audi specialist serving St. Augustine and surrounding areas in Florida, demonstrating a heightened level of expertise and dedication in handling these particular brands.
Beleesi’s Garage stands out due to its impressive decades of experience, specialization in European models, and a highly skilled team of ASE-certified technicians committed to delivering top-notch services.
Scheduling an appointment at beleesi’s garage is easy! You can call us at (904) 522-6917 or visit our website to fill out the online appointment request form. We’ll get back to you promptly to confirm your appointment.
Yes, they’re offering 10% off all services right now. First-time customers can get free vehicle inspections for their cars valid for all makes and models. Please call for an appointment.
We Value your Vehicle

Quality, Convenience, And ASE Certified Car Mechanics in St. Augustine